House rules

Treatments take place by appointment. You can help us prevent treatments from running late by arriving 5 or 10 minutes before your appointment. Unfortunately, due to emergencies in particular, we cannot guarantee that you will always be helped on time. (This extension time cannot be recovered from the practice in any way.) We will send you a reminder by email 1 day before the appointment. For treatments that take a longer time, we will also call as a reminder. This is a free service and can only be done if we also have your correct email address and telephone number. If you have not received an email, you are still responsible for keeping the appointment.

You can cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance (on working days) by telephone, email or at the counter. If you do this later, we may charge the costs. These depend on the treatment that was planned. We reserve the right to deregister patients who regularly do not keep their appointments. We will of course communicate this clearly with you.

It is important for the treatments to know whether you have health problems and whether you are taking medication. So indicate it yourself. During the check-up appointment we will go through a medical questionnaire with you in which this will also be discussed. We will of course treat this information confidentially.

Because we like to work in a clean mouth, we ask you to brush your teeth before an appointment: at home or in our cleaning corner.

To avoid inconvenience, we request that you put the telephone on silent and do not make telephone calls in the waiting room and the treatment room. Pets are also not allowed in the waiting room.

Aggressive behavior, verbal or otherwise, will not be tolerated and will result in immediate deregistration.

As soon as you register as a patient within our practice, we ask for a number of personal information that will be used to provide you with good service.

Make sure that you inform us of any changes to personal information such as address, telephone number or your health insurance. This can be done at the counter or by email. You are responsible for keeping your own information up to date.

We believe privacy is important and handle data confidentially. The right to privacy consists of an obligation of confidentiality and the right to treatment without the observation of third parties. The obligation of confidentiality can only be broken with your permission, in the event of a legal obligation or in the event of a conflict of obligations.

For extensive treatments, you will receive a budget from us. The budget may differ from the actual costs because we are also dependent on your health insurer. Your signature is required to implement the agreements made. Signing is only binding if you have actually had the treatment.

We use the Infomedics service for our invoicing. Further information about the payment terms and contact details can be obtained from the counter assistant or on the website of Infomedics.
If you do not want to receive invoices via Infomedics, you must pay the invoice in cash after the treatment.

If you are not completely satisfied with the treatment, please contact us. Normally there is no guarantee for dental treatments, but we are willing to review the situation with you and find a solution.

We would like to hear from you if you have any questions or comments that can help us improve our services. If, despite our utmost care, you still have a complaint, we will do everything we can to resolve it. If we cannot reach an agreement together, you can use the ANT complaints procedure. You can read more information here.

Do you have a broken tooth, a knocked out/fallen tooth, bleeding or extreme tooth pain? In this situation, consult your dentist immediately. You can reach us by telephone on (053) 430 40 36. In the evening / during the weekend, for emergencies you can contact Dentist Post Twente via phonenumber (053) 792 00 40. For more information about Dentist Post Twente, please visit the website

We pay a lot of attention to preventive dentistry so that the condition of the teeth is kept in excellent condition. Ultimately, everyone wants to have healthy and beautiful teeth. Have you taken out dental insurance? Then your health insurer will reimburse the costs of the treatment in whole or in part. If the treatment is partially reimbursed, you will receive an invoice for the personal contribution owed. Our rates do not include any technical costs. For the performance codes and associated rates, we refer you to the website of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA) or the independent website of